قرية الأنمي للتحميل - Download Anime
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اذهب الى الأسفل
انمي Team
انمي Team
عدد الرسائل : 3394
Localisation - أسم المنطقة او البلد : Yemen
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2007

ExtraDNS 3.0.4 Speed the net now! Empty ExtraDNS 3.0.4 Speed the net now!

الجمعة نوفمبر 09, 2007 9:45 pm
ExtraDNS 3.0.4 Speed the net now! 29o6h02

ExtraDNS 3.0.4 Speed the net now! 24q5s8j

ExtraDNS 3.0.4 Speed the net now! Biv6dg

ExtraDNS 3.0.4 Speed the net now! 344vdas

ExtraDNS accelerates your Internet connection by caching DNS
Whenever you access a page on the world wide web, fetch your E-mail,
request a file via FTP or access any other resource on
the Internet, your computer will have to find out the IP number that corresponds to
the address of the site you want to access. Each request needs to be
sent to your DNS server across your Internet link. Depending on the
speed of your connection, other line activity and DNS server load it
may take several seconds before a reply is being received. It is but
after this reply that your application can actually start loading the
requested data. When a web page is being loaded, DNS requests need to
be sent for each additional screen element that are part of the page
(images, banners etc.) .

What is ExtraDNS doing

ExtraDNS intercepts DNS requests and stores replies in a fast indexed database.
The next time your systems needs to resolve the same
address, ExtraDNS instantly supplies the reply from its database.
There are no more delays when loading a Web page or accessing your
mail server.
In addition, ExtraDNS overcomes the limitations of the windows
operating system and can manage up to 10 different nameserver.

How does ExtraDNS work?

ExtraDNS tells your system to request DNS information from the
ExtraDNS application rather then sending requests out to the
When ExtraDNS receives a request two cases may happen:

1 The answer was found in the database
- ExtraDNS will send the requested information instantly to the
- Nevertheless the request will be send to the Internet DNS server.
- Once a reply is received, ExtraDNS will compare the answer with the
in its database, and update any records if required.
This assures that the cache database is always up to date, and you
will not receive
outdated information from the cache.

2 No matching entry is found in the database

- ExtraDNS will send the request to all available DNS servers that
are configured.
ExtraDNS will inquire all servers simultaneously. This will result
in a much faster
reply compared to the standard windows system where requests are
send to the
next server only when the previous did not reply.
- Your application will receive the response from the first server to
- ExtraDNS will add the information to its database.

First If you have vista right click and choose Run this program
in compatibilty mode for windows xp sp2

ExtraDNS 3.0.4 Speed the net now! Ilwokm

ExtraDNS 3.0.4 Speed the net now! 244yxqw

Install note

ExtraDNS 3.0.4 Speed the net now! 29b1sg1

ExtraDNS 3.0.4 Speed the net now! 1h8eh1

ExtraDNS 3.0.4 Speed the net now! N6kix



pass www.anime.forumburundi.com
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