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انمي خارق
انمي خارق
عدد الرسائل : 938
Localisation - أسم المنطقة او البلد : Yemen
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/07/2007

Smart PC Solutions Document Trace Remover 3.3 Empty Smart PC Solutions Document Trace Remover 3.3

الثلاثاء أبريل 01, 2008 1:18 am
Smart PC Solutions Document Trace Remover 3.3 1203344034_2008d02i17_133555

Smart PC Solutions Document Trace Remover 3.3 | 1.47 MB

A leaked document can compromise trade secrets and threaten company security. But did you know that even a document that you send or publish may also contain sensitive information that may harm your privacy and company security? Every time you create a document in a Microsoft Office application such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint, it is automatically and compulsory tagged with extra information.

All documents are assigned properties that list the document's author, organization name, document change and reviewing history, any comments made by the different editors, editing time, and so on.This information can be useful when working with documents in a workgroup, but may cause unwanted problems should it become available to a third party, putting your company in an embarrassing situation or even causing financial risk. A line or a paragraph of text that contains sensitive information, even if it is cut, deleted or overtyped, may still be stored in the document's metadata under certain circumstances, such as if text change tracking is enabled. Do you want all the notes made by your workgroup members while editing a presentation made publicly available? Document Trace Remover checks your company workflow, including Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations for unwanted private information that may infringe your privacy and threaten company security.





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Keywords: documents, company, information, document, security, workgroup, Trace, Microsoft, PowerPoint, change, editing, sensitive, Excel, privacy, available, threaten, Document, Remover, unwanted, stored
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