قرية الأنمي للتحميل - Download Anime
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اذهب الى الأسفل
انمي خارق
انمي خارق
عدد الرسائل : 938
Localisation - أسم المنطقة او البلد : Yemen
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/07/2007

MediaChance Dynamic PHOTO HDRI 2.3 Empty MediaChance Dynamic PHOTO HDRI 2.3

السبت مارس 22, 2008 1:19 pm

MediaChance Dynamic PHOTO HDRI 2.3 5lbblz

New generation of High Dynamic Range Photo software with Pin Warping and Anti-Ghosting. Using HDR technique we can combine the different exposures to create a single image that shows details in both sky and the land.The High Dynamic Range Imaging is a set of techniques that has been developed nearly 20 years ago to overcome the limitations of electronic devices. A HDR photography can be created by taking few photos with different exposure, then combining them in the software into a high dynamic file. The last thing is to tone-map the HDR image so we can see it in our screen, print it, post on web and enjoy.Dynamic-PHOTO - We created our software to be enjoyable, fast and straight forward.


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